Friday, February 28, 2014

March is Here!

Although next week marks the beginning of a new month, it is also the end of the 2nd trimester.  We will be having a celebration next Friday afternoon to celebrate those who have reached their trimester reading goal.  A note will be coming home on Monday to explain this further.

Next Week:

Language Arts:  I am very excited to be starting our 3 week unit on Greek Mythology!  We have been working on mastering the fourth grade literature standards all year thus far.  We will be putting it all together in the next weeks while focusing on Greek Myths and allusions associated with these myths.
New reading logs went home today and will be due next Friday.  We will also be practicing with adverbs and suffixes.

Students had class time today to complete their character description paragraphs.  If they did not finish them, they are due on Monday.

Math:  Our class started Unit 9 in math this week.  This unit focuses primarily on fractions.  They must have their facts mastered to be completely successful in this unit.  Things that they will need to know how to do with fractions include: simplifying, reducing, adding, subtracting, ordering and comparing.

Science:  They will be moving on to Mrs. Lund's room for science and focusing on the human body.

Please be sure you are checking your child's Class Dojo reports on a regular basis.   I have been adding comments about specific test scores or late assignments to help clarify things.  If you have not signed up for the weekly reports, please do so;)

Have a great week! Hopefully warmer weather is on its way!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

February is Here!

We have made it to February, unfortunately we do not have warmer weather to go with it.  The students are becoming a little stir crazy from indoor recess all week.  Hopefully they will get a chance to get outside this weekend.  This week we were extra busy with preparing for next week's conferences and also with starting Class Dojo.  If you have not yet signed up, please use the link that was sent to you via email so you can be connected to your child's individual reports.  I am really excited about this and am still learning it as well.  I think it will be a great tool for consistent communication about all of the positive and negative behavior your students are showing.  I will also be including any missing assignments on the weekly reports.  If you need help accessing this, please let me know or I can help you out at conferences.

Next week is a four day week due to conferences on Friday.  On Thursday, we will be having our second auction as well as our Valentine exchange.  Handouts for each of these were sent home on Monday.

Here is what we will be practicing next week!

Reading:  We will be continuing to focus on and practice identifying text and graphic features in informational texts.  We will also be working on suffixes and close reading with poetry.

Writing:  We will be looking at and practicing writing an explanatory (how-to) paper.

Math: They have started Unit 8 which is on patterns, functions and graphs.

A new reading and math fact log went home today and is due next Thursday, Feb. 13th.

All 4th graders also have a new word study sheet that they should be using to practice their word patterns at home.  This needs to be signed and is due on Monday.

I sent home February book orders today.  I realize the book fair is also going on, however, the students realized that the same books cost less if you buy them through the book order instead.  They were also given a free $5 coupon to spend if they spend $10.  These will be due the 21st.

Have a great weekend!