Friday, April 25, 2014

Zetabet is Here!

Today marked the beginning of our Zetabet countdown to the last day of school.  Ask your child about the story we read in class!  I sent them home with a pink calendar of events that take us through the remainder of the year.  I thought this would help you keep up with all of the extra activities going on and deadlines approaching.

Here is what is going on next week..

Reading:  We will be continuing to read and do skill activities centered around our whole class reading of Bridge to Terabithia.  Rox reading logs are due on Monday.

Math:  Mr. Krupa will resume the unit on decimals and percentages.

Social Studies:  They will be studying and finding different facts about countries and starting a unit on our great state of MN.

Writing:  We will be doing some research in preparation for a biography writing project.

Next Friday is a busy day!  It is a two our late start and our school's annual Walk for Life.  Our class is scheduled to walk from 10:35am-11:05am.  We would love it if you would like to join us:)  Please remember to send your child's Walk for Life bottle to school with them next week.  The school store will also be open as a fundraiser for Cancer next week.  It will be open the mornings of Tues, Wed and Thurs.

Have a great week:)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Let it Snow!

Will the 'real' Spring every get here??  It was another fun week of weather, however, we were still able to get a lot accomplished.

Next week we will be taking our Math MCA's on Wednesday and Thursday.  The free breakfast option will continue though the end of the month.

All fundraiser orders are due Tuesday, April 22nd.

Students can bring a $1 donation for extra recess time next week.  Every $1 collected will equal 1 minute of recess time.  Please send these donations on Monday or Tuesday.  These donations will be added to our Walk for Life totals.

Pictures went home today.  Please look through the packet and send back payment and/or unwanted photos.  These are due next Friday.

Please mark May 2nd on your Calendars for a couple of reasons.

1. Two hour late start and Walk For Life- Collection of all bottles

I will let you know when our class is scheduled to walk.  Feel free to join us:)

Alos, continue to send in any names of friends/family who have dealt with Cancer.

2. PTAC Spring Carnival from 6pm-8pm
(Basket raffle, $5 wristbands for games, pizza, pop, cookies etc)

Here is what next week will look like:

Reading:  We will beginning a literature unit using the chapter book Bridge to Terabithia.  This unit will take us through the end of May, as we will be reading the book together and doing several extension activities.  This is one of my favorite books and I am very excited to read it with the whole class:)

I will accept Rox reading logs on Monday due to some confusion.  I will pass out the new log on Monday which will be due the following week.

Writing:  We will finish up our fractured fairy tales on Monday.  For the remainder of the week we will be reading some opinion articles and writing a persuasive paper.

Math:  Mr. Krupa will be continuing to do MCA in preparation for the test next week.

I think this covers everything!  Have a fantastic weekend and Easter:)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Week of 4/14-4/17

Most of the students completed the MCA reading test this week and did a wonderful job!  I was so proud of the effort each of them put into doing their very best.  We get a short break now until the math will take place on the 23rd and 24th.

Here is what next week will look like:

Reading- Our main comprehension skill for the week is compare and contrast.  We will be reading several fiction and non-fiction texts to practice looking for clues and analyzing details.

Reading logs will look a little different for the next few weeks.  We are participating in the Rox reading program.  They will record their reading minutes on these forms instead of our standard reading log.  We are still doing the Friday - Friday format so please fill out their minutes from this weekend where it says Saturday and Sunday.  All students who hand theirs in get a chance to win weekly prizes (Rox merchandise). Everyone who participates and completes every week will get free tickets to a Rox game!

Writing:  The students will be working on using commas correctly and will be completing their fractured fairy tales.  Ask your child which story they chose and whose point of view they are writing it from!  We sure do have a lot of creative writers in our class!

Math:  Mr. Krupa will be taking this week to  do MCA math practice.  There will be no fact log, but they should continue to practice their facts to have them fresh for the MCAs!

Word Study homework is due Monday for those who had new word lists.

Mention that you read this week's blog in your child's agenda and they will receive 2 extra Dojo points:)

Thanks for all you do and have a great weekend!

Friday, April 4, 2014

First Week of April

Happy Spring!  Well, kind of...

It sure is hard to believe it is spring by looking outside!  However, we can tell it is spring inside with all of the things happening and coming up here at school.  I apologize for the long length of this post but there is much to update you on:)

Thank you to everyone who made their concert on Tuesday night.  They practiced very hard and did a wonderful job.

MCA's are here!  We will be taking the reading MCA this coming Wednesday and Thursday.  The math will take place in two weeks.  Our class is scheduled to take it at 8:00am, so please try to be sure your child is at school on time those days.  We have been doing some practice here at school and talking about strategies to be sure we do our best on the test.  Parents can help by making sure they get a good night sleep and encouraging them to do their best.  Something new and fantastic this year is that all kids will be offered free breakfast here at school!  This is optional and available to ALL students for NO COST and will run from April 9th through April 30th.  They will also offer it on May 6th.  They will be having this breakfast in their classrooms.

We have also started our annual Walk For Life campaign in an effort to raise money for cancer research.  Here is the information the office sent out to describe this further:

Pleasantview Elementary School will once again be joining with the American Cancer Society in our annual "WALK FOR LIFE"  on Friday, May 2nd, 2014.This event is a "mini walk" just like the RELAY FOR LIFE which takes place in this area in June.  We will be walking for all of our friends and family who have struggled with cancer. 

During the month of April, students will be collecting coins and cash to donate to the American Cancer Society.   Students will be bringing home a bottle marked specifically for this purpose.  ANY amount of money is important.  Keep this bottle at home and collect coins and cash throughout the month of April.  Bottles should be returned on Friday, May 2nd.  We realize that times are tough for everyone right now so any amount you can donate will be appreciated by many.  If someone would like to write a check, please make it out to the American Cancer Society.

Every student is encouraged to bring the names of their friends and family who are currently struggling with cancer,  have survived cancer, or who they  have lost to cancer.  These names will be put on posters and displayed during our "Walk ForLife" on May 3rd.

In addition students are invited to bring a picture of a loved one who has had cancer to be displayed on a bulletin board during the month of April. If you are sending a picture in with your student be sure that your students name and teacher are written on the back of the picture so that we can return it to you. 

We are so proud to educate our student on this important cause and are excited to make it a joint effort with your home.  All funds raised will go to the American Cancer Society to fund research and treatments for cancer. 

Please mark the date of May 2nd on your calendar.  Parents are invited to come and walk with their students. Please watch for more information regarding this event. 

There will also be extra opportunities to raise money that we will add to agendas as they come up.

Here is what next week looks like..

Math:  They took the Unit 9 test today on fractions.  Watch for their graded test to come home next week.  They will be moving on to Unit 10 which focuses on decimals and percentages.

Writing:  We will be practicing point of view and will be choosing popular stories to re-write from a different point of view.  Pre-writing and rough drafts should be completed by the end of the week.

Reading:  We will be continuing to practice test-taking strategies and will be taking the MCA reading test.  We will be reviewing point of view and reading different versions of familiar stories.  New reading logs went home today and will be due next Friday, April 11th.  

Word Study varies between what teachers they have.  Please check with your child to see if they have an orange practice sheet due on Monday.  

I will be sending home the April book order early next week.  There will be one more coming home in May. They usually offer a ton of great book deals this time of year.  This is a great time to start planning a summer reading list!

Have a great week and please contact me with any questions.  Thank you for all you do at home to support their success at school!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

4th grade concert

Thank you to all that attended their concert.  They did a fantastic job and we so proud of themselves!